NHK World Radio Japan QSL cards for March 2022

  • Tuesday the 6th of September, 2022


Last week I received some QSLs from NHK for my reception reports I sent for the month of March 2022. It took a long time and, unlike normal, it was sent to me using sea mail. I’m guessing that’s because of covid postal restrictions in Japan?

These QSL cards are dated for the 6th, 8th, 17th and 18th of March shows.
While I haven’t uploaded the 6th and the 8th shows anywhere I did upload the 17th and 18th. I feel so happy to get a postcard for the Ghibli Jazz 😀

Ghibli Jazz 😀
This show is fantastic, I’ve ended up re-listening to it since I received this QSL 😀

Until next time