Comparing SWRadiogram from WRMI on 15770KHz and 7780KHz


I have been noticing some odd phenomenons when it comes to receiving broadcasts from the US at my location.
During the day I don’t seem to be able to receive anything from America with any decent signal strength. This has always confused me and my confusion rose further when I realised I can hear America with decent signal strengths in the night!

I thought it’d be interesting to show a side by side comparison of the images received on the most recent SWRadiogram to demonstrate this phenomenon. Both of these are from the same location, on “ideal” frequencies and are aimed to my location.

7780KHz (26th of May 2019 23:30 UTC) is on the left and 15770KHz (24th of May 2019 13:00 UTC) is on the right.

No decode!

No decode!
No decode!

And for those of you who want to see the text decode: